Friday, September 29, 2006

Swirling vortex of evil

Well, I usually don't like to post two things so close together, but I just HAVE to share this with you. Last night I accidentally opened up a portal to a new level of hell.

Now, I know what you're thinking. How could someone accidentally do that, unless they were on Mars? Well, I don't know HOW I did it, but I know that there was some evil force at work.

I was sleeping. It's a good thing to be doing late at night, really, you should try it. I woke up around 3:00, and was really thirsty. No problem, I always keep a giant mug of water by my bed, because I get thirsty a lot. I have a drink of water, roll over and try to go back to sleep.

Instead of falling asleep, I found myself thinking about different things. I'm trying to find an idea for another book (yes, already), so I started going over some of the potential stories in my head.

And then it happened. I'd like to say I was thinking about something dark, like Aleister Crowley, but I wasn't. I can't remember what I was thinking about, but just that quickly a portal to a newly-opened level of hell appeared in my mind. And it took a very scary form...

Songs from The Little Mermaid.

Let the horror sink in for a second. Do you have any idea how hard it is to fall back asleep (or to do ANYthing for that matter) when all you can hear is "Unda de see, unda de see!"? Let me tell you, it's impossible. Completely impossible.

I can think of no worse punishment than spending an eternity forced to listen to that. Shudder!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooh thinking of another book already huh? :-)

I must be fortunate in that I don't know the "unda da see" song. However there have been many times where an annoying song gets stuck in my head and I hate it. The only way I can get rid of it is to sing a song I like.