Thursday, October 05, 2006


No, I didn't spell that wrong, I didn't mean claustrophobic. I know, it isn't a real word. Deal with it...

I think I'm going crazy. I know, it happens every year, but every year it seems a little worse. I can't even begin to describe why, but I don't know how many more years of this I can take. My heart has been pounding for days now, even though I'm not under any more stress than usual, and I swear if it keeps this up it's not going to make it. I've been shaky, I can't sleep, and sometimes I've been throwing up everything I eat. I hate this. Seriously, I just want to lock myself up and hide until March. No wonder animals hibernate every year...

If you've never dealt with seasonal issues, consider yourself lucky. Maybe I'm just more in tune with nature, the sun and the earth, or maybe there is a wire that's slightly crossed. I dunno. Maybe there is just a small worm in my head that lives off of sunlight and brainwaves, and since there is less and less sunlight it has to absorb more and more of my brainwaves. It's no more absurd than any other theory...


Jude said...

Poor you! :-( Is there anything I can do to help hon, even just chatting??

It sounds so much like symptoms of anxiety attacks. Have you talked to a doc about it ever?

Sending you hugs my friend, let me know if you need some online company.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I ~do~ deal with seasonal issues. After having 38 bad May's in a row, you ~know~ something is wrong.

I do not look forward to that dreaded month.


On the other side of the coin, I have never had a bad October, and naturally, it has become my favorite month.

From what I've read, dealing with seasonal issues, is a sign of manic depression.

..... bbb

Rebecca Edwards Wilson said...

I don't know about manic depression, Sketchie, but I know that I understand how you feel. I just started realizing that the days are getting shorter; by December, it'll be inexplicable crying jags. It seems to be heriditary; are you the only one in your family who has seasonal depression?