Tuesday, October 24, 2006

New sets of poems

Sorry it's taken me so long to write more, my brain has been in shutdown mode lately. I know it's just seasonal depression, but that knowledge sure doesn't help shake it off. What's driving me even more crazy is that I really don't have anything to be down about, and I have a lot to be happy about, but the feeling still persists. Hopefully I'll get over it soon; lately I've been letting stupid things bother me, and have caught myself avoiding going to some of the places online that I used to enjoy so much. On the other hand... I have finally finished reading all of the episodes of MegaTokyo and am caught up on the story (I kinda forgot about it, and fell 200 episodes behind). Too bad it's so depressing, and I find myself identifying with Piro way too much.

You may notice that I named this post "New set of poems". That's because, for a while, I'll be mixing up the kinds of poems I'm doing. I was bored tonight, and started reading through some online confessionals, and was so inspired by it. Because of it, I'm going to start sharing some of these stories with you, in poem form. The feeling will be the same (as much as I can keep it that way), just with different words. I hope to bring their stories to you, so you can feel (even if just a little) how they felt. Since it is all posted anonymous, I don't have to worry about giving anyone's big secret away...

Of course, I'll still be writing too, and I might even slip in a few confessions of my own. The best part is that I'm not going to tell you which are which, so you don't waste your time worrying about me. Some will obviously not be me (for instance, I'm straight, and some are about being gay), but others are ones that could be applied to me. My biggest hope is that someone out there who is feeling the same thing won't feel like they are alone anymore. No matter what you're going through, there IS someone out there who has been there too, or is even there right now.

Even ifyou like granny porn (not sure if I'm going to write about that one, but I did read about it).

I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I have enjoyed writing them. Knowing that I'm helping give a voice to someone who needed it is very rewarding, and even though it won't always be easy, I know that it will always be worthwhile. And who knows, if I'm ever foolish enough to write another book, maybe I'll use this idea as the basis for it... ;)


Jude said...

Now that IS a cool idea for another book! :-)

Okay, heading over to the poetry blog now.....

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are so down, Adam. It sounds like this will be a good outlet. I am anxiously awaiting new stuff!! Let me/us know if we can help...