Thursday, September 13, 2007


Glow-in-the-Dark Ghoul: Hey Barricade, whatcha doin?
Barricade: Oh, just layin' some explosive charges to destroy this old house...

GG: You can't do that! Dr Sketch spent a lot of time and effort to build that haunted mansion!
B: You obviously haven't seen what he has sitting on the kitchen table yet...

B: All the required tools to build a new, IMPROVED haunted mansion!
GG: Oooooh, he even had it printed at Kinkos!

B: Fire in the hole!

GG: One blast tore the turret off? Wow, what lame construction....

B: Fire in the hole!

GG: Damn! The whole conservatory went with one blast too!!!

B: You are a bung hole!

GG: I think the building is starting to implode... Hey wait a second, what did you say!!!

GG: Now what are we doing?
B: Well, to truly finish this off, we're gonna have to bar-b-que it!

GG: Ooooooh!!!

B: Fire: The Untamed Element, Oldest of Man's Mysteries

B: Giver of warmth, Destroyer of forests, right now *this* building is on fire.

B: Yes! The building is on fire!

B: Leave the building! Enact the Age Old drama of Self-Preservation!

GG: Barricade, I didn't know you liked Gremlins 2.
B: Shut up.

That's right folks! I decided to sacrifice my first model of the Liberty Square Haunted Mansion to the fire gods, so that I would have room to display the nice new version I'm building! Watch this space for construction photos, tips and tricks, and maybe even more from those two goofs. Maybe....

Dr S

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I laughed myself silly!!! Great post Sketchie!
