Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day 4

Barricade: Wow, that was a lot more work than I expected....

Glow-in-the-Dark Ghoul: Hey, don't look at me, I'm on break right now... I love this movie.

B: Man, this is going to take forever at this rate.
GG: Still on break, can't help ya, union rules and all....

B: I'll have the whole place done before he gets offa break at this rate!

GG: Shhhh, I can't hear what they're saying if you keep bitching so loudly!!!!

B: Oh that does it. I am NOT doing this whole thing alone...

B: Hey buddy, I've got a bit of a problem with a union employee over here. Could you come by and uh... straighten it out?
???: Groovy.

GG: Holy crap! Who the hell are you?
Ash Campbell: Name's Ash. Housewares.
B: Glad you came by Ash. My friend here doesn't seem interested in working anymore.
GG: Alright you primitive screwheads, LISTEN UP!

GG: Fine, I'll get back to work... How was I supposed to know you were friends with the frickin' jolly green giant???
B: Hey Ghoulie?
GG: Yeah???
B: Windows.

GG: Fuck.

Yes. I do have too much free time right now. :)

We're almost finished with the shell of the second wing. All that's left is a couple of windows, then glue it together and add the floor! WOOT!!! The downside of all this is that we're almost finished with the big, easy stuff, and are getting into the small, tedious detail work. :(

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Days 2 & 3

Barricade: Wow, you did a good job on these windows Ghoulie!
Glow-in-the-Dark Ghoul: Thanks! It took forever man!!!

GG: Why exactly did you color in the floor support pieces?
B: Because, I'll know that it's there, even if I don't see it.
GG: Will you remember that you had to use two different markers, since the first one got you stoned so quickly?
B: Shut up.

B: Help me move this roof into position
GG: Damn, it's heavy!

GG: Looks great, let's move on!
B: Ummm... Something doesn't look right.
GG: Aww man....

B: See, we're supposed to cut out these dormers and put them onto the roof!

B: This doesn't look too bad! Get to cutting! I've got to go make sure that these things fit...
GG: Fuck!

B: Behold! The power of the dormer!!!
GG: I think I like the power of cheese better...
B: Do you want to be put back on window duty?

GG: The roof is on, everything is glued down. I'd say we're done here!

B: Are you sure we're done? Have you seen it from this side yet?
GG: Nah, but it should be the same, right???

GG: Double fuck!

There hasn't been a lot of visible progress on the mansion these past two days, but believe me there has been a lot of work going on! Between the tiny detail cuts for the windows, the exacting folds of the roof, and the mind-bending (not to mention wrist bending) glue points for the roof and the support floor, this place is going up quick! How much more work is left? Well... a lot. Fuck.

Dr S

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Day 1

Barricade: Ok, just stand on the ruler so I can cut a straight line
Glow-in-the-dark Ghoul: Are you sure I weigh enough for this?

GG: Gotta color the back of certain pieces black, since it won't be covered by anything...
B: Ummm, how are you gonna get the marker lid off? Your arms are attached to your body...

B: Gluing the pieces together. Woohoo!

GG: Ok, I'll push this side, you push that side, and we'll wait for the glue to dry.
B: I hope you remembered to get quick drying glue...
GG: Ummmm.... yeah.... about that....
B: Shit, you mean we've got to hold this together for hours until it dries?

B: As punishment, you've got to cut and glue all the windows, while I cut out the openings.
GG: How bad can that be?

GG: Fuck.

GG: This is gonna take forever!!!

GG: 2 down, 6 to go... :(

B: Umm. Are you sure you're doing this right? These instructions look different from our piece...
GG: Will you quit screwing around and get back here to help????

So, 1 day in, and I haven't hit any major problems yet! If you look closely at the photo of Barricade cutting the windows, you'll see that I'm trying to keep the cross-beams intact, to add a bit to the 3D feel of the building. I couldn't do this on the other versions, as the paper was too thin to support that small of a cut. It seems to be working pretty well, as long as I pay close attention while I cut...

Hopefully I'll have more progress for you all in the near future!

Dr S

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Glow-in-the-Dark Ghoul: Hey Barricade, whatcha doin?
Barricade: Oh, just layin' some explosive charges to destroy this old house...

GG: You can't do that! Dr Sketch spent a lot of time and effort to build that haunted mansion!
B: You obviously haven't seen what he has sitting on the kitchen table yet...

B: All the required tools to build a new, IMPROVED haunted mansion!
GG: Oooooh, he even had it printed at Kinkos!

B: Fire in the hole!

GG: One blast tore the turret off? Wow, what lame construction....

B: Fire in the hole!

GG: Damn! The whole conservatory went with one blast too!!!

B: You are a bung hole!

GG: I think the building is starting to implode... Hey wait a second, what did you say!!!

GG: Now what are we doing?
B: Well, to truly finish this off, we're gonna have to bar-b-que it!

GG: Ooooooh!!!

B: Fire: The Untamed Element, Oldest of Man's Mysteries

B: Giver of warmth, Destroyer of forests, right now *this* building is on fire.

B: Yes! The building is on fire!

B: Leave the building! Enact the Age Old drama of Self-Preservation!

GG: Barricade, I didn't know you liked Gremlins 2.
B: Shut up.

That's right folks! I decided to sacrifice my first model of the Liberty Square Haunted Mansion to the fire gods, so that I would have room to display the nice new version I'm building! Watch this space for construction photos, tips and tricks, and maybe even more from those two goofs. Maybe....

Dr S