Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tea Reviews

It snowed last night. A lot. I have spent almost an hour scooping my driveway, and there is still quite a lot left to do! Tonight it is supposed to be 1F, with a windchill of -20F. Have I mentioned how much I hate winter?

On the plus side, I think this is the typical Nebraska "last storm", which ALWAYS sucks badly. Next week it should be in the 40s and above, so we just have to wait it out. Have I mentioned how much I hate waiting? :)

Not much else is going on here right now. I'm still having fun with my wacom tablet. I have completely removed my mouse, and do everything with my pen now! My drawings are getting better, I'll put one up soon...

On to tea. I've had quite a few different teas since my last post, so I'm going to give "quick" reviews of them. I use the X-Play rating system: 1 is horrible, 2 is good but still has issues, 3 is average, 4 is really good with a few issues, and 5 is perfect or nearly perfect. And yes, I DO have all of these written out in a spreadsheet, because I'm a nerd.

Valentines: This one is a flavored tea, combining black tea with chocolate covered strawberries. I don't know how they did it, but it really works. Delicious! 3/5, but it lost a point because it's seasonal only.

Darjeeling #22: Black tea. Very tasty. It had a little bit of bitterness, but it was definitely good. This will probably become my default "black" tea. 5/5

Mango Melange: Herbal tea. This tastes a lot like Blood Orange, but it isn't quite as good, and I can't place my finger on why. 3/5, mainly because knock-offs suck.

White Monkey: Green tea. This is the best of the green teas I've had so far (only tried half of them). Very smooth, maybe just a little too subtle. 4/5

Ceylon Sonata: Black tea. Pretty weak flavored. This would probably be useful to mix with other, stronger teas, but by itself it isn't that good. 2/5

Assam Melody: Black tea. All I said in my notes was "pretty good", so who knows what I thought of it at the time? 3/5, because I can't even remember it.

Li Zi Nutcracker: Green tea. Eeew. It was... bitter isn't the right word, it just tasted... off. Almost meaty? 2/5 out of sympathy.

That's it for now! I'll have more reviews sooner or later.


Jude said...

Adam love, I have MISSED YOU! Looking forward to seeing your drawings, can we expect to see any soon? *wink wink nudge nudge*

Sounds like you are really enjoying tea testing. And it's good to see that so far most of them you would drink again.

Wow you've had a lot of snow too then! We haven't had this much for many years, but I don't mind it. Mind you I'm not the one who has to shovel it either so Mr. Ma might have a different take on it all. Hee Hee

Anonymous said...

It almost sounds like you are reviewing something else.

My current tea hang up is Blueberry. Just enough sweetener and you got a desert in your hands.

We're getting snow here too.

Chat at ya soon!

Jude said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Love you dear friend. :-)