Thursday, November 01, 2007

Day Final

ED: Well, we've finally reached the last day of photos! I hope you guys have enjoyed this as much as I have!!! Most of what was left to do wasn't very interesting to watch, so I've packed quite a into these last few pics. I hope to see you all back when I start the NEXT mansion! :)

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Glow-in-the-Dark Ghoul: Hey, the porch is all finished now!!! Finally, I can take a break!

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GG: Guess not, now I've got to build the railings!!! :(

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Barricade: Wow, you did a great job on these Ghoulie!!!
GG: Thanks, I'm just glad they're done. You gonna climb up and install them now?
B: Yep...

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GG: Wow, looks awesome!
B: Ummm... Hey Ghoulie??

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B: What's this piece left over? Extra or something???
GG: Conservatory Crest??? Huh?

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GG: Fuck

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1 hour later

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GG: Well, I finally got the old crest cut off the conservatory. Why the fuck didn't he include that in the directions? I didn't find out until the last page!!! ED: This is true!

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GG: Well, a little surgery, and everything is fixed now!

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B: Looks awesome Ghoulie! Thanks for all your hard work!
GG: Next time, please, call someone else....

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