Friday, March 09, 2007

Wow, I suck

Sorry I haven't written in so long, but I've been BUSYBUSYBUSY with other fun stuff. Some things I've done...
I have been watching a ton of movies/tv series on DVD lately, thanks to Netflix. I've gotten quite a few discs of Scrubs, the entire SportsNight, starting into MST3K, and more. Even worse, I have fallen in love with Hollywood Video, where I can get previously viewed movies for dirt cheap. Even better, they always carry the harder to find movies, and I lovelovelove cult movies. Last night I went (it was my birthday, so I felt OK about it), spent $60 and got 9 movies. Some of mygreater scores: Snakes On A Plane (this movie RULES), The Omen, and (my best score) Doll Graveyard.
My best birthday present: realizing how much my girlfriend really "gets" me. SHE'S the one who found Doll Graveyard, and while a normal person wouldn't even notice it, she saw it as a movie that a wierdo like me would like. So cool! A close second would be the amazing new Zippo she got me. My new favorite lighter (and I have 10 or so different Zippos). She rocks!
Something else I've been working on.... Turning this:

Into this:

Yeah, I get really bored sometimes, but I really needed something to justify that expensive Wacom tablet, right? :)

Hope all is going well for you (whoever you may be), and just know that winter is almost over. WOOT!