Friday, November 10, 2006

More from MirrorMask

Just thought I'd post some video links for you to see how cool this movie really is...

Helena and the Clock People
The Trailer

Also, if you hunt on Google Video, you can find the entire movie up (at least for now). If I could convince you to watch one movie, just once, it would be this one. That's saying a lot for me; I've seen many great movies in my lifetime...

Movies and games...

Sorry I haven't posted much lately, I've been super busy lately. I'd like to say I was doing something constructive, but I wasn't. I've been watching bad movies and playing great video games.

Movies first. I don't have a huge DVD collection by any accounts, but I do have a number of movies I haven't seen yet. When I bought them, I had every intention to watch them, but then for some reason I didn't. So I started watching some of them on a portable DVD player in my free time. I'm glad I did, some of them are going to be sold, and others are going to be put on a shrine.

First up is Deal Alive. I've seen it before, but it's been many years, and I thought I'd watch it again. I'm so glad I did. If you're into bad horror movies like me, this movie redefined the genre. The main character is a girly mama's boy, who falls in love with a hot... I think she's supposed to be latin, but I'm not sure. Anyway, mom doesn't like it and tries to break them up... then gets bitten by a claymation rat monkey and turns into a zombie. She spreads the infection and... well, you just have to see it to believe it. The highlight of this movie is when Lionel (main character) straps a lawn mower to his chest and literally mows down the zombie hordes. Amazing.

Next up is a three pack I picked up many years back. It was only 5 dollars for three DVDs, which should have told me something, but since they were horror movies I thought maybe it'd be ok... It's a three pack of "zombie" movies, but they have a few problems. First, the zombies aren't really zombies (they don't eat braaaaaaaains), they're more like vampires (blood sucking bastards). In one of the three, there isn't even THAT, just a weird cult trying to resurrect a witch.

That's not the biggest problem though. The biggest problem, not mentioned ANYWHERE ON THE FREAKING BOX, is that they are all foreign films, which means that they are subtitled. I hate subtitles. They kill the mood of the movie; it just isn't scary when you have to read the bottom of the screen to find out what's going on.

On the plus side, two of the films are French. Why is this positive? French horror movies have nudity. Lots of nudity. Not nudity like in the US horror movies (topless heroines being chased, maybe a butt thrown in every now and then). Full. Frontal. Nudity. I may not understand what the hell is going on, but I do understand that the nekkid chick is gnawing on that other nekkid chicks leg. I love the French.

Even this comes with a price though; full frontal MALE nudity as well. I can live with it, but my finger is perpetually on the fast forward button in case they do a close up. Eeeeeew.

Ok, now for a non-zombie movie. MirrorMask. If you haven't seen or heard of this movie, don't feel bad, most people haven't. I only heard about it by accident; I was watching the now defunct TechTV, and they did an interview with some of the graphic designers on the film. There is a lot of CG in this movie, a LOT, and it shows how the technology can be used to make the unbelievable real.

The plot is a little thin, but you aren't seriously going to watch this movie for the plot are you? You watch it because it's beautiful, it stirs something deep inside your heart, and the images stay with you for a long time. Go rent it, and if your local video store doesn't have it, burn them down. No, don't really, just buy it off the net instead.

Here is the Mutant Review for MirrorMask. Read it to get a better idea of how great this movie is, then go rent or buy it. Go now, I'll wait...

Lalallaa... hmmmm... hrmmm...

Back? Ok, now watch it, and have your mind blown away.

Speaking of minds being blown, I've been playing some amazing games lately. First up is FFXII. I can't say much about it, I've just started in (only about 6 hours), but it's beautiful, fun, and the controls are pretty intuitive. If you have a PS2 and like RPGs, you should check this one out.

Then again, if you have a PS2, you should be playing Guitar Hero 2 instead. We were smart; my roommate pre-ordered this the first day it was available, so we had a copy the day it came out. He has already played every song on it. It is so much fun, there aren't even words for it... If you've ever wanted to live out your rockstar dreams, get this as soon as you can. If the first game is any indication, you might consider buying it online; when I bought the first one, I spent weeks searching the stores, but they sold out the same day they got the game in...

Favorite song so far is probably "Monkey Wrench" by the Foo Fighters; on normal it's easy, but on hard it's fun. I played Freebird last night (WOOT) and got a 5 out of 5 stars on my first attempt (and a leg cramp, it's hard to play a 10 minute song standing up!).

Well, I'm off to do something else unconstructive...