Tuesday, October 24, 2006

New sets of poems

Sorry it's taken me so long to write more, my brain has been in shutdown mode lately. I know it's just seasonal depression, but that knowledge sure doesn't help shake it off. What's driving me even more crazy is that I really don't have anything to be down about, and I have a lot to be happy about, but the feeling still persists. Hopefully I'll get over it soon; lately I've been letting stupid things bother me, and have caught myself avoiding going to some of the places online that I used to enjoy so much. On the other hand... I have finally finished reading all of the episodes of MegaTokyo and am caught up on the story (I kinda forgot about it, and fell 200 episodes behind). Too bad it's so depressing, and I find myself identifying with Piro way too much.

You may notice that I named this post "New set of poems". That's because, for a while, I'll be mixing up the kinds of poems I'm doing. I was bored tonight, and started reading through some online confessionals, and was so inspired by it. Because of it, I'm going to start sharing some of these stories with you, in poem form. The feeling will be the same (as much as I can keep it that way), just with different words. I hope to bring their stories to you, so you can feel (even if just a little) how they felt. Since it is all posted anonymous, I don't have to worry about giving anyone's big secret away...

Of course, I'll still be writing too, and I might even slip in a few confessions of my own. The best part is that I'm not going to tell you which are which, so you don't waste your time worrying about me. Some will obviously not be me (for instance, I'm straight, and some are about being gay), but others are ones that could be applied to me. My biggest hope is that someone out there who is feeling the same thing won't feel like they are alone anymore. No matter what you're going through, there IS someone out there who has been there too, or is even there right now.

Even ifyou like granny porn (not sure if I'm going to write about that one, but I did read about it).

I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I have enjoyed writing them. Knowing that I'm helping give a voice to someone who needed it is very rewarding, and even though it won't always be easy, I know that it will always be worthwhile. And who knows, if I'm ever foolish enough to write another book, maybe I'll use this idea as the basis for it... ;)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wow, uberbusy!

Hello again friends! Two posts in one day!!!

A lot has happened since I wrote earlier, so I'd better share it. First, book sales are doing pretty good. 6 copies have been shipped, with more waiting (I don't find out a book is sold until it's been shipped). I'm well on my way to making the $90 to have the book put into "global distribution", which means it can be sold at regular bookstores!

I've had quite a few telephone calls tonight from local friends (and some family) who have ideas for marketing the book, and they're all really exciting! I think that the most in depth one is from my aunt, who is helping me get into one of the three local papers (the other two are small town papers, so they're easy), and is going to help me get sold in some of the local coffee shops too! Woohoo!!!

As for the rest of you, there are things you can do too! If you like the book, tell your friends, let them read a bit, and maybe they'll want it too!!! :)

Through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered

Well, it's been a while since I've updated, so I guess I'd better do so now! A lot has happened!!

Ok, a week after destroying my dumpster, I finally heard back from my garbage company. When they were emptying it the last time, they forgot to secure it, so it FELL IN the truck and was crushed before they realized what happened. How did they forget to check that???

So, we worked out a deal for them to bring a smaller garbage can as a replacement, and cut my bill almost in half. Sweet! Except... they didn't bring it. Another week went by until they brought the replacement (it was supposed to be brought the same day). It's great to see how reliable they are!

I had a tooth get infected this week. It sucked! Instead of going in right away though, I waited. Dumb move! I finally went yesterday, and it was bad. Bad bad. They had to pull three teeth (the infection spread), and told me that had I let it go another 12 hours the infection could have spread either up to my brain or down into my throat. Damn!

So, they yanked three teeth out. Ouch. Right now I'm vaguely drugged, enough that it doesn't hurt, but I'm not in happy happy land either. Maybe if I mixed some whiskey or something with it. Mmmm, happy happy pill land... But even though I'm not blitzed yet, some things are feeling kinda disconnected, which is fun for me! Watching movies like this is fun!!!

Which brings me back to the title. If you don't recognize it, it's the opening line from "Labyrinth". It has created in me a NEW fear, the most scary thing I can think about right now: David Bowie in tight spandex. Damn, all I can see is Bowie's package, it's almost mesmerizing, and incredibly scary. Eeeeew. Why did they think that it was a good idea???

Well, I'm going to try to slurp down some soup, so I can take more pills soon...

Thursday, October 05, 2006


No, I didn't spell that wrong, I didn't mean claustrophobic. I know, it isn't a real word. Deal with it...

I think I'm going crazy. I know, it happens every year, but every year it seems a little worse. I can't even begin to describe why, but I don't know how many more years of this I can take. My heart has been pounding for days now, even though I'm not under any more stress than usual, and I swear if it keeps this up it's not going to make it. I've been shaky, I can't sleep, and sometimes I've been throwing up everything I eat. I hate this. Seriously, I just want to lock myself up and hide until March. No wonder animals hibernate every year...

If you've never dealt with seasonal issues, consider yourself lucky. Maybe I'm just more in tune with nature, the sun and the earth, or maybe there is a wire that's slightly crossed. I dunno. Maybe there is just a small worm in my head that lives off of sunlight and brainwaves, and since there is less and less sunlight it has to absorb more and more of my brainwaves. It's no more absurd than any other theory...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Unda Da Zee

Just a quickie tonight. A number of people say that they have never SEEN The Little Mermaid, and even though they think they know how bad it is to have stuck in your head, they haven't had to personally face the horror. At least, not yet... So, I submit for you, the ultimate in torture...

A brief clip

Consider yourself lucky, I could have linked to the whole song...